Tuesday, February 11, 2014


At the Buddha Christmas Poet's Bookstore
Here in Yellow Knife
We got what you need.
Two bookstore cats each curled up
in the sweet corners. Ray dreaming
"For I Will Consider My Cat Jeoffrey."
A volume of Lovelace next to him.
Snoozing away but Jerry the Christmas cat gets up and stretches.
That Christmas cat you might remember but also hip
So you can say "Galactic Lamentation Hometowns" and he
Knows what you mean. "I like Larry Ferlinghetti.
Fact is, he was always there."
And two literary gentlemen… the young guy outside
Snow, snow everywhere and him shoveling away as you go in.
"Insouciant enough at last to grow a ponytail."
The older fellow says. And then "Say, could you use a glass of cocoa?
What can I do for you? "
And you say "I remember."
And everything listens.
And you say "I remember a book"
And you are safe the snow outside, the general snow.
And you say I remember a book of poems, Christmas poems, pictures
Of a little mouse in the snow looking inside at a Christmas tree inside they were they were
Singing "The Holly and the Ivy Oh!"
"Be right back," the older literary gentleman says and opens yes
The trap door down behind the counter and goes
You think he is not coming up. But behind you
Ah! there is the word "eclat" sipping
Champagne cocktails with the words "manquee" and "eperon."
"Supple" has his arm charmingly about the waist of "farthingale," and who is
That doing the samba but "Vorstellung" and his dark eyed beauty
"Here it is," the old fellow says.
And it is.
But it ain't the same.
Which is what you hoped.
It's better.
How about that?

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